Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Curlformers #FAIL

To Sally's I went after seeing numerous successful curlformers videos. I waited in a long line behind this ghetto a** lady who was yelling at the woman in front of her.. and bought a pack of long and wide (since the hair @ the back is longer than the hair @the front) and 2 packs of short and wide curlformers.
first mistake because I know my head is too big for just 3 packs of curlformers
Then I went home and attempted to set my hair with these contraptions. Needless to say, it was a very difficult feat. Many times my hair would get stuck when trying to pull the stick through. My experience was more like this one:

if not worse...
second mistake - just because you've seen 8 girls successfully put curlformers on natural hair doesn't mean they didn't have their fair share of bloopers at first
Has anyone had curlformer success or tips they would like to share?


  1. i've always wanted to try these

  2. try them! Maybe I was just doing them wrong. I'd like to know other's successes!
