Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year's Blogolution

Blogolution: a resolution for your blog; something you promise to do to improve either blog design, marketing or topics presented

My new year's blogution? Start a posting series that will serve as my hair diary, telling readers what products I used for each wash/co-wash. This will help me remember what works because Lord knows I never do and in turn this will help me know which products to give away at product swaps!

It doesn't matter if you blog about hair, nails, fashion, music or life in general. What is your new year's blogolution?


  1. I have so many ideas, but making a list causes me lots of anxiety so my one sole blogolution is to write consistently and authentically.

  2. Good plan CD. I agree with you. I'm a big list person but that pressure may not work for everyone!

  3. I like that word! My blogolution for 2013 is to schedule weekly posts a month in advance and feature one guest blogger a month.

  4. Nice @Toya. Guess it's time to get started planning January's posts!

  5. More consistency and engagement with good content and interacting ith others
